Study 1 Facilitator Guide

This guide outlines the responsibilities and procedures for facilitators managing Study 1 at Thingylabs GmbH, owned by D3velop Ltd and licensed to Thingylabs GmbH. It supports our investigation into nutritional supplements to enhance employee well-being, cognitive performance, and productivity.



  1. Start-Up:
    • Brief participants on the study, emphasizing voluntary participation.
    • Explain the pseudonymous data collection process using participant codes (e.g., TL-202311-123).
    • Ensure participants understand that completing surveys constitutes consent under GDPR.
    • Direct participants to the GDPR Compliance page.
  2. Weekly Cycle:
    • Distribute trackers at the week’s start.
    • Remind participants to use their unique participant code on all submissions.
    • Remind participants to log daily and complete questions on Sunday.
    • Collect sheets by Monday.
  3. Data Handling:
    • Store sheets securely on encrypted servers in compliance with Article 32 GDPR.
    • Maintain pseudonymity by using only participant codes for identification.
    • Ensure no directly identifying information is collected unless explicit consent is given.

GDPR Considerations
